Those attending recent events at CFANY proposed an interesting idea: the formation of a Council of Industry Experts, comprised exclusively of our members.  Do you support this idea?  Would you be willing to serve on this council?

Email me at with the subject line “Expert” if you are willing to participate.  Please include your area of expertise.  We welcome your thoughts.

The following deliverables for the Council were suggested:
1.    This would be the natural evolution of our media directory.  Soft launched several years ago, the CFANY media directory provides something of a CFANY “speaker’s bureau” for industry media.

2.    Some experts are open to contact from members.  They are willing to “give back” to members by providing informal mentorship or advice in their area of specialty.  Others prefer to welcome peer-to-peer contact from similar experts.

3.    This council may be an informal source of ideas for future CFANY programming.  The ideas would then be shared with the  member Volunteer Groups who plan our events.

4.    Some could lend their expertise to the CFANY Board of Directors when needed.

5.    Our Volunteer Groups could consider contacting this council and utilizing it as something of a sounding board throughout the  event-planning process.  The council may also provide a natural pool of speakers for many of our events.

6.    Members of this council could be valuable contributors to our CFANY Finance Professionals Post.

7.    A Research Foundation at CFANY is being considered.  This council could be a natural resource to provide peer-to-peer reviews of research and research proposals.
If you would like to support this initiative—in any way—please contact me at with the subject line “Expert”.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Daniel Dagen, CFA

Chief Executive Officer

CFA Society New York, Inc.