Career Development, Committee Meeting, Free for Members, Group Meeting, Interest Group Meetings, Virtual Events & Programming

Career Development Group Meeting

August 3, 2022 | 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

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We’ve launched Cvent—our new events platform!

Registration for any event with a start date after Sept. 28 now requires a CFA Institute account.

I don’t have a CFA Institute account

  • No problem! You’ll have the chance to create one prior to registration.

I already have a CFA Institute account

  • Great! Be sure to use your existing credentials at registration.
Cvent Transition Guide

Group Description

The Career Development Thought Leadership Group develops programs to help members excel during all stages of their careers and adjust to changes in the financial industry. Through events such as investment professional employment outlook conferences, the Career Development group helps members meet fellow professionals and learn helpful tools for enhancing individual careers. Group programs explore the widely varied career choices within the financial services industry.



Discuss the results of the survey (emailed to all group members on 7/26).

Discuss the planned cohort model planning to commence in early September:

The cohort is envisioned to have members work on a chosen training course together using an online course of the cohort’s choosing. Depending on the decided frequency (ie, every 2 weeks), there will be a dedicated instructor via Zoom answering any questions and guiding through any roadblocks encountered while working through the modules and assignments. In between the scheduled Zoom meetings, there will be a group chat through a chosen app (Discord, Slack) where members can communicate with each other at any time.  The instructor, along with the addition of your fellow CFANY members communicating via group chat, will be part of the course unique to CFANY used to bolster the wealth of quality online courseware available in recent years.

Freeform discussion for additional feedback